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I started to write a whole post explaining my move from Mastodon instance to, but honestly it's just not fun, and I don't want to give any more attention to the players or fuel the drama. So I'll just give this brief summary:

An inflammatory blowhard who used to be fun to listen to but is now just being trans-phobic and acting like he's under constant persecution, joined my Mastodon server, linuxrocksonline. I'm not linking to him because I don't want to fuel the nonsense or the egos involved.

He's not interesting, it just brought to light the policies of the LinuxRocks instance:

All that just shows me that LinuxRocks is likely to acquire more bigoted free speech absolutists through the attention this person brings, while the inststance gets blocked from more polite federation. People can do what they like, but I don't want to go along for that ride.

So now my Mastodon account is Yay! Thanks to Kev Quirk for running a nice Mastodon instance. And he has a good blog too.

Oak trees in the park

Oak trees in the park